Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any inquiries or questions about Zenno and requests about materials and products.

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Privacy policy

Please note that, depending on the content of your inquiry, it may take some time to reply, or we might not be able to reply. Also, replies to inquiries received on weekends, holidays, or during the New Year holidays will be provided on the next business day, or later.

Privacy policy

Zenno & Co., Ltd. (hereinafter “Company”) hereby establishes the following Privacy Policy, under which it protects personal information through developing relevant systems and ensuring that all employees understand their importance and fully implement related efforts.

Management of personal information
To keep customers’ personal information accurate and up-to-date and to prevent incidents such as improper access to, loss of, damage to, unauthorized alteration or leakage of personal information, the Company implements security measures and stringently manages personal information by taking necessary measures such as maintenance of security systems, development of management structures, and comprehensive staff training.
Purposes of use of personal information
Personal information provided by customers is used for the purposes of sending emails and documents in the forms of communications from the Company, information on Company businesses, and answers to questions.
Prohibition of disclosure or provision of personal information to third parties
The Company manages personal information provided by customers appropriately and does not disclose personal information to third parties except in the following cases:
  • ・Where the customer has consented to such disclosure
  • ・When disclosing such information to the Company’s subcontractors for purposes of providing services requested by the customer
  • ・When such disclosure is required by any law or regulation.
Security measures for personal information
The Company implements comprehensive security measures in order to maintain the accuracy and security of personal information. Inquiries from those concerned about personal information. The Company shall respond to customer requests for measures such as inquiring into, correcting, or deleting personal information after first confirming that the requesting party is indeed the individual concerned with such personal information. Compliance with laws, regulations, and rules; and reviews The Company shall stringently comply with Japanese laws and regulations and other rules applying to personal information, and it shall review the contents of this Policy from time to time and strive to improve it as necessary.
The content and information on this site, and these rules, are subject to change or revision without notice. The Company shall not be liable for any damage arising due to changes to information or to any suspension, discontinuation, or unavailability of this site, for any reason.
All content on this website is the property of the Company. Use thereof for other than personal purposes is strictly prohibited without express written permission.
Please address any inquiries concerning the Company’s handling of personal information to the contact shown below.